Become a member
If you want to pay by Cheque/Postal Order, please print off this form, complete it and send it to the address provided in the document.
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UK Personal |
Overseas Personal |
Institutions in Northumberland & Durham |
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Terms and conditions of membership
Membership is open to everyone interested in the study of Genealogy and Family History who share the aims and objectives of the society.
- Membership subscriptions are paid annually. The membership runs from the 1st day of the month when an individual joins the society. A reminder for renewal will be sent electronically a month before the subscription is due. For existing members the membership year will continue to be from 1 January to 31 December.
- Family/Joint Membership consists of one full member and one further household member at the same address. Only full members receive the Journal. All other society facilities and privileges are open to joint Members.
- Membership rates are subject to review from time to time.
General Data Protection Regulations
This information is correct as of September 2018.
NDFHS holds the following personal information on members: forenames, surname, postal address and email address. This personal information is held to enable the Society to communicate with members and provide services to members e.g. delivering the Society’s Journal.
If you do not wish the Society to hold this data, please email us and we will delete that personal data. You will remain a member, but we will, of course, be unable to provide further services for you.